Because of loyal RBH Sound dealers and customers and your continued support shown over the years, our presence in the audio industry community has grown, and we are grateful as an organization.
At RBH, there's a feeling of great responsibility and a calling to give back to those who may be less fortunate and unable to enjoy the beauty of "sound" due to genetics, aging, birth complications, trauma to the ear, etc. We strive to advance the cause of worthy organizations seeking to make a positive difference, such as the Hearing Loss Association of America (HLAA).
RBH Sound uses the following criteria to determine its involvement with prospective non-profits and make a sincere commitment to bettering society.
Does the organizational mission seek to influence the lives of men, women, and children?
How can we incorporate our industry-specific products or agenda in raising or donating funds?
For RBH, success means running a healthy business, positively impacting our dealers, customers, global partners, and employees, and giving back to society.
Through your greatly appreciated business, RBH Sound donates and contributes to improving the hearing and lives of others.
Thank you for honoring the importance of hearing health.
RBH Sound